New King Bhumibol Adulyadej Square - December 6, 2003
Carleton Cole wrote an interesting article about a public square in the U.S. honoring HM The King (New sign unveiled in HM's US birthplace, December 5, 2003, The Nation): Unveiled on November 18, the monument consists of a bronze plaque atop a marker of pink granite from nearby Vermont state that was chosen to match existing granite columns at the entrance to nearby John F Kennedy Park. Three days later a more visible black sign with white letters was unveiled near the monument, replacing a smaller bronze sign that was difficult to read.
Carleton sent the photo and design graphic below to give an idea what the square is like (the captions are his as well).

Pranissa Boonkhom's draft of the renovation that took place in the square. KTBF further explains: The landscape is designed by Halvorson, Co. The sketch is done by the Thai woman, Pranissa Boonkhom, a Harvard University School of Design graduate who now works for this company. Pranissa is a daughter of the former Dean of the Architect School, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok in Thailand. This dean was also Charles's classmate. The City of Cambridge contracted this company to design and include the King Bhumibol Adulyadej Sqaure in that landscape. This landscape project is in the citywide landscape development in the near future. In the design, you will see another matching granite column on the same side on the right. There are two matching columns across the street on the Harvard Square Hotel at the cross walk entrance.